These lessons cover good basic fundamental licks and runs needed by Blues style Bass players. Get these under your belt and build on them as you progress.
Blues and Bass Guitar?
Here's an excerpt of what's included ...

Blues and Bass Guitar - Best Online Guitar Lesson
- Included in this Exclusive Musician's Expansion Pack™
- 51 BASS BLUES licks and riffs.
- TABLATURE AND STANDARD MUSICAL NOTATION. Reading sheet music is not required.
- TABLATURE REFERENCE GUIDE that shows you how to read the included bass guitar tablature finger patterns.
- INTEGRATED SOUND for every pattern in the expansion pack.
- EASY TO USE NAVIGATION software that allows you to scan through each lick one by one, go directly to a lick you want to focus on, and listen to a lick with the simple click of the mouse.
- BASS GUITAR FRETBOARD MAP that contains all of the finger positions for all of the notes on the guitar neck.
- PRACTICE TIPS to allow you to get the most out of your practicing time.
- PRINTABLE BOOK ON DEMAND that contains all of the finger patterns in this arsenal.
- Designed for BEGINNING TO ADVANCED bass players.
This product available for immediate electronic download delivery with an option to also receive your purchase on CD Free!
A big plus I believe. Having a CD version is ideal if you have a slow internet connection/defends against crashes etc.
Worldwide CD shipping and handling is fast with no charge, and includes the electronic download delivery version that you can download immediately and use while you wait for your CD to arrive in the mail.
That's a good deal, most places charge extra for a hard copy.
With instant delivery, you can download and start using the product within minutes of making the purchase - ah the Internet, dontcha just love it!
This type of material gives the player a good foundation to build on.
Blues and Bass Guitar UniGTR+ recommends this online Bass Lesson / Course for the Beginner to Intermediate stages interested in improving their Blues licks, runs, and basics.