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Online Guitar Lesson - Beginner's Gigging Tip Make sure you have a String Winder with you when your gigging. If your unlucky enough to break a string during the set, this will cut down the replacement time by a serious amount.
- Slide Tips If you intend to play slide on Electric Guitars and Acoustics, use heavy gauge for the best tone. I'll be doing a Slide special very soon, it's in the process...
- Tone Tips In general the heavier the string the heavier the tone, but they are harder to play and control. Try bending a G on a heavy set and you'll see what I mean.
Guitar Study Tip Here's our UniGTR+ researched recommendation for Electric Guitar Experienced Beginner/Intermediate Level below - it's called Jamorama

Online Guitar Lesson - Electric Guitar Beginner / Intermediate Level

Learn to Play Guitar with Jamorama - the Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit
Site Product Description Summary:
The three books, Learn to Play Guitar with Jamorama for beginners, intermediate and advanced, are already proving to be one of the most popular guitar learning guides on the internet.
Now the team has taken Jamorama one step further with the introduction of hundreds of song files which explain, step-by-step, how to play over 50 popular songs that are bound to be a hit at parties. These songs are of varying degrees of difficulty, and have thousands of lines of tablature. Each song is broken down into pieces, which makes it easier for students to learn parts of a song.
In addition this, the Jamorama team have also developed two exclusive computer games to aid learning of musical notes, both in transcribing and in reading written music. These are: JaydeMusica Pro and GuitEarIt!
These games make the monotony of learning to read music fun, and also enable students to develop their ear for transcribing their favorite songs from the radio. Both games are well presented, and are invaluable in developing the key skills necessary in being a better musician.
- Two bonus e-books and tuning software has also been added,
- Advanced Learning Techniques for Guitar
- How to tune your guitar
- Guitar tuner pro software
These books cover how to tune your guitar, the software has audio files of many tunings and is user friendly. The training techniques will cut your learning time in half.
- Also included is a free copy of
- Audio CD Burning Creator by Ashampoo Ltd
Also included is a free online consultation to customers who may have a specific training problem they would like to address.
This package is impressive because it is one of the most complete packages regarding the whole process of learning the guitar, from strumming, muting and bending, to timing, reading music and transcribing.
Go to Jamorama Web Site
Online Guitar Lesson - Electric Guitar Beginner / Intermediate Level
UniGTR+ Recommends this course to Beginners to Intermediate Electric Guitar players. Includes some excellent learning software and freebies designed by the author of 14 years guitar experience.