Record Company Self Promo / Band Websites For a multitude of Website promotional ideas (I think the 'Net is one of today's strongest tools AND so easily available to everyone), have a look at a traffic-building package and host.
Promo Tip Build a reputation and strong fanbase for your band powered by a traffic-building WebSite, and it's strong ammo to approach the Record Companies with. If they can clearly see that your serious about your Band and Music, and your already successfully promoting it yourself, they will take you a lot more seriously.
Promote the Band Online
To help promote the band further online you could open your own store selling goods with YOUR design and/or band logo's or photos on them. To give you an idea of what I mean you can have a quick look at some of the Universal-Total-Guitar-Plus-Center Shop items on display.
Be the belle of the ball and turn up in one of your unique T-Shirts. Or how about getting that lazy dog of yours to advertise the band while he's on walkies in his designer top! Yeh - yeh, check the link see what you think. If you click on an image you can see it close up, so your band logo, photo details or artwork is clearly visible.
Here's a close up of the Universal T-Shirt and all product images, just to give you an idea of what you can do. I designed this picture and logo on a software editor but you can use any type of media.

Your fans or customers can order direct from the site online or you can bulk buy as many as you like (the more the cheaper), and sell them at gigs or parties...whatever.
Record Company Self Promo / Selling Bands and Info Products Many Record Companies see each band as a product and are in it of course to make money - not on some Artistical Musical Crusade - ah well. But it will help you in your promo efforts if you see your band like they do - as a product which you can promote. So it has to be a high quality product for starters to stand a chance in today's competitive market.
Here's some more info on that subject which will really open your mind to this approach.

IMPORTANT - Please enter "MASTERS" (in capital letters without quotes) at the beginning of the blank pop-up Email's subject line ...
Click here to Activate, type in MASTERS and press Send Receive an intensive 5-Day e-mail course on creating, producing and online-selling your very own infoproduct, such as a band!
Sorry for calling your band a "product", but let's just use that term for convenience.
Yes it's artistic too, but unfortunately that's not the whole story ...
Record Company/Music Biz Special/Resources
Here's a handpicked selection of Make Money - Makin' Music bibles, books and software to help you learn about this complex, fun and possibly lucrative business. Like any other Biz, it pays to learn about your subject well.
All You Need to Know About the Music Business : Fifth Edition
Contents include...
- Book performances
- Choose a name and protect its use
- Copyright song lyrics
- Establish legal ownership of songs
- Sample legally
- Sign contracts
- Write a band partnership agreement
- Sell CDs, tapes and other recordings
- ...and much more
...goes into each thorny subject in detail.
Record Company Self Promo / Booking Agents
If that's whet your appetite, here's more info regarding taking care of the Music Biz end of things yourself.
How To Be Your Own Booking Agent And Save Thousands Of Dollars
5 Star schtuff - long title that says it all really.
How I Make $100,000/year in the Music Business (Without a Record Company - Label, Manager, or Booking Agent)
An even longer title, but plenty of helpful guidance.
Classic Business Principals
If you want my most mega-ist-business suggestion ever, get yourself a copy of this really amazing little classic, study and use it - absolutely top of the class this one. Costs next to nothing but contains THE secret.
Think and Grow Rich
Absolutely one of my personal faves... or try The Master-Key To Riches Another serious contender which will give you lots of food for thought.
Combine and USE some of these ideas with your online promos and you'll be unstoppable! Combine them further with traffic from your Website ...and Watch Out World!