Guitar Solo Software - Arpeggios
Here's an excerpt of what's included...

Guitar Arpeggio Licks
- A Guitar Arpeggio Collection / 500 Guitar Arpeggios.
- A Guitar Arpeggio Collection Designed for both Electric Guitar and Acoustic Guitar players.
- Every Guitar Arpeggio is written in Guitar Tablature (guitar tabs) and Standard Musical Notation.
- Includes Guitar Lessons on Morphing Lick ...
- Suitable for guitar players of any style of music.
- TABLATURE REFERENCE GUIDE that shows you how to read the included guitar tablature finger patterns.
- INTEGRATED SOUND for every pattern in the expansion pack.
- EASY TO USE NAVIGATION software that allows you to scan through each lick one by one, go directly to a lick you want to focus on, and listen to a lick with the simple click of the mouse.
- GUITAR FRETBOARD MAP that contains all of the finger positions for all of the notes on the guitar neck.
- INSTRUCTION ON MORPHING these licks and riffs.
- PRACTICE TIPS to allow you to get the most out of your practicing time.
- PRINTABLE BOOK ON DEMAND that contains all of the finger patterns in this arsenal.
- Designed for BEGINNING TO ADVANCED guitar players.
- This product available for immediate electronic download delivery with an option to also receive your purchase on CD Free! A big plus I believe. eg Having a CD version is ideal if you have a slow internet connection/defends against crashes etc.
- Worldwide CD shipping and handling is fast + FREE, and includes the electronic download delivery version that you can download immediately and use while you wait for your CD to arrive in the mail.
- With instant delivery, you can download and start using the product within minutes of making your purchase.
UniGT+ recommends this Arpeggios + Guitar Solo Software / Lesson / Course for the Intermediate player stages interested in adding some tech-spice or advanced techniques to their guitar soloing. Cool Arpeggios Rule!
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UniGTR+ Black Hole ??? Could be anything in here at any time due to a time-continuum difference :).

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