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Buy Guitar Online

Buy guitar online guide is a handy quick way to find what your looking for. Btw, I am constantly surfing the Internet for new styles of guitar and interesting alternatives. If you know of any unusual guitars please drop me a line and let me know about them. Something unique like the "Fretlight" or Chapman Stick. USA Europe

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Musicians Friend - without doubt the biggest online store for musicians. Huge itinerary and great presentation. Sound samples and demos of lots of equipment provided to help purchasing decisions and a really helpful posting system which allows anyone to comment and rate gear they have bought and so on. That's really helpful I find and an interesting and informative way to keep an eye on the best gear.
The Musicians Friend catalogue includes electric guitars, acoustic guitars, electric/acoustic basses, instrument amplifiers (tube/valve, transitory and hybrid amps), keyboards, drums, home studio software, wind instruments, percussion, many stringed instruments, classical instruments, band equipment, pa's, sound systems, microphones, stands ... it's an endless list.
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Not much to add about Amazon. Great selection of guitarist and musician books and videos.

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Music Street UK - large and ever growing catalogue of gear. Some obvious brands left out for some reasons I found but in general they supply most major brands. Searchbox on the site.

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