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Hi from me David the site webmaster, and a big welcome - I hope you're enjoying it. Here's a brief musical background of myself, my guitar-playing, music, and the UniGTR+ Center itself.

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UniGTR+++% In The Beginning ...

I started playing guitar over 25 years ago in my hometown Dublin - Ireland, and I practiced and learned the instrument with a passion. I consider myself lucky to have had this tenacity and love of the instrument which I still carry to this day.

In my early days of guitar, this "Tunnel Vision" encouraged me to sit up every night learning the instrument until all hours of the morning, often after a 10 hour day at work - I was happily driven! Once I'd been bitten by the bug there was no stopping me, and I always dreamed of working as a musician full-time from day one almost, and managed to persist and follow this desire.

Eventually my guitar playing allowed me to live in different countries around the world, from Ireland of course, various Spanish islands, London, right down to Australia, and here today in Switzerland where I live.

I think I was fortunate too to have grown up in the wonderful musical country that I did. Musical and artistic pursuits are a way of life in Ireland! I have had the pleasure of seeing, hearing and being inspired by many an unbelievable player throughout the country, and this was and still is a strong inspiration for me. I have made many a great friend through the guitar and music, and a big hello and thanks to you all.

Skills Over the years I widened my music skills to include Vocals, Bass, Keyboards and Music Programming. This was mostly as a result of building a Home Studio and it led me into song-writing and various related pastimes such as Computers.

I absolutely love Computers and the Internet, and apart from family and friends of course, I think that the PC and Internet is the only thing which I adore as much as the guitar and music! I find that the music and PC fit in so well together for me at least. I aim to release my own songs and recordings in the very near future, and there's plenty of guitar examples to be heard on this site for those who are curious. And lots more on the way!

Gigs in Mallorca

About five years ago I was gigging on the beautiful island of Mallorca in an Irish music bar, and there I met and married my wife Sandie who comes from the magic land of Switzerland, and that's where we happily live today. I love it here and it's a very special place, but I'd have to say that the music and pub scene here compared to Ireland is virtually non-existent, as it is a completely different type of culture and taste in music.

So in this day and age I find myself still working with my beloved guitar and music, but more so in the recording vein (which I also love passionately), and I don't gig that often for now - haven't got the time :). And also I don't want to be relying on gigging when I'm 64 as they say - although the idea of doing a few Blues gigs at the age of 90 sounds good :).

So with this in mind, circumstances, and all the other beauties of life, I decided a few years ago to get totally immersed in the online world and Work From Home, and once again to my good fortune I was completely bitten by the Bug - the Internet Bug that is! This guitar site was my first foray into this world, and I now have a few e-books written and other sites either uploaded or in the process and I love it!

If you want to see how the UniGTR+ site came into being here's a brief background >>> UniGTR+ Center Story

All the best





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 ... Guitar ... David O' Toole ... About the Author ... Guitars ... Ireland ...




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