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Guitar Chords

Guitar Chords - hi it's David here, your webmaster at UniGTR+. I'm just crazy about guitars and music since way back when! A short journey around the site should prove that I hope!

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Guitar Chords - Basic Chord Families

Recently I've put together a little e-book series which deals with the thorny subjects of learning guitar chords, and how to sort them out in an easy way. I wanted it to make complete sense to the beginner musician and even intermediate player (I know a lot of "intermediate " players who can play well but don't actually know the basic fundamentals in this vital area). This slows down their progress immensely!

So I set myself the mission of providing an e-book which would show someone who was willing to invest the time and energy needed to learn the necessary chords. This would enable them to play a lot of songs in a short time. I also aimed to make this course something which would not only be very fast to absorb and use, but also give the student a thorough grounding in guitar chords (also keyboards) that would serve them well throughout their entire musician life!

I didn't want a book that consisted of thousands of chords to be learned in parrot fashion, but rather a small collection of THE essential chord groups to know, that would allow the player to cover 100s if not 1000s of songs.

Basic Chord Families, Play 1000s of Songs With These Chords ...

So after much ado, planning, editing, re-editing, custom image design, more custom image design and so forth, the Basic Chords Families series is what I came up with, and I'm happy to report that I'm very happy with the results. The resulting system allows the player to achieve this using just under 60 guitar chords!

I think I have successfully accomplished my mission, and that these e-books can really help a player to make rapid improvements and get a solid, sound footing as he or she advances through their musical years.

You can forever BUILD on this info once you understand it, and it will always be there to help you! It's not some craze or fad that won't last, but a real lifetime musical foundation to build on and support future musical journeys wherever they may take you.

Oh and by the way, the "dreaded" Theory end of it is kept to a minimum I promise, and the small amount you do need to learn is EASILY remembered using our patented "cunning plan!". Ok I'm exaggerating a bit here :), it's not patented but it does work incredibly well and makes this end of it child's play to remember and use.

There are four books in the series which cover the following instruments, and each have appropriate images to demonstrate. Click on the appropriate link from the following to find out more about your particular instrument preferences.

Guitar Chords / Keyboards Breakthru


Instead of learning hundreds and thousands of chords, some of which you might only use once or twice, Basic Chord Families will show you how to understand and play tons of songs with less than 60 chords!

Most popular songs that you hear in the charts consist of the same chord families and patterns over and over again. But understanding how these families are put together and getting the families under your belt, is the key that will open the door to easily absorbing a multitude of songs and having them at your fingertips. Basic Chord Families will clearly show you (with customized diagrams and text), how to piece this musical jigsaw together with ease, and fast!

Once you have absorbed these concepts and use them on a regular basis,they will become second nature to you and serve you well throughout your whole musical journey. This applies to musicians at all levels. It will add a serious boost to your jamming skills, help you learn cover songs a lot easier and quicker, and even songwriting skills will be sharpened immensely.

Worried if it's for your playing style? Well rest assured it WILL suit you no matter what style of song or music you're into. These chords are the building blocks used in ALL styles of music. As mentioned, Basic Chord Families is available in 3 guitar versions (1 standard righthand, 2 lefthand versions), and a piano/keyboards version with handcrafted images to match.

To find out more about this revealing system, click the appropriate link below for your instrument preference:






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 ... Guitar Chords ... Basic Chords Families ... RightHand Guitar ... Lefthand Guitar ... Keyboards ...



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