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YouTube Musician Collaboration

YouTube Musician Collaboration - my first collab guitar response to drums, bass (on keyboards), Keyboards and Trumpet tracks already laid down by the rest of the band. Warning: This may be a bit "Jazzy" for some viewers :).

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YouTube Musician Collaboration 1

YouTube Musician Collaboration 1 / Inter-Tube Jam ...




The One World Band
Drums/"PunkRockRobots" or "THEKENNYCARTMAN"
"Chuuta3000"/bass and keybords
Tip: To get a nice Jazzy type sound, try use the neckpickup and experiment with turning down the tone pot. Perhaps even turn it off all the way depending how 'Jazzy" you want it to be.
UniGTR+ Video Rating Guitar Video 4 Star Rating width=81 height=16   :)
YouTube Musician Collaboration Number 2
YouTube Musician Collaboration Number 2a









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 ... YouTube Collaboration ... UniGTR+++% ... Virtual Jazz Jam ...



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